Green energy

Automated workflow for environmental certificates



Reducing operational risk and the complexity of the renewable energy market for 5000+ clients worldwide, in 40+ countries, and counting.

More than 168TWh of renewable energy supplied that translates into 48M tons CO2 offset in 2022.
Accelerating access to sustainable energy and making businesses future-proof.



Product Strategy

User Research

Prototyping & Testing

Visual design


The top challenge was with regards to the infrastructure and information structure and data quality.  

Decentralised EAC registries along with lack of a standardised data model forced us map out the most important and commonly useful data. Efforts were carried out to understand and match the diverse labelling systems and provide a coherent, normalised data model that seamlessly propagate cross-registries, accounts and product types, providing quality data sets that are easy to read and understand, combat the complexity, and decrease the cognitive loads on the customers. 

Unlike the financial market, where most transactions are conducted electronically, much of the renewable energy certificate trade is still managed manually.

Trade and inventory management are still handled by outdated technology, such as spreadsheets, email, and phone calls.

This makes it difficult to share information across participants in a contract—information that may be crucial to negotiating new deals or resolving disputes. Contract negotiations are often slowed by the need for people on different teams to send each other PDFs via email and wait while others review them internally before approval can be given.

Value driven

Working closely with the product team, we scoped out customer journey and what they would need from the product. In line with further research we conducted and user interviews to help ensure we were designing and building the tools to assist them with helping deliver value to the customers.


Feature definition

Primary customer journeys

MVP Definition

Balancing User Needs with Business Goals

Our interview process didn’t just have a big impact on the product as a whole but also on its usability. The UX team narrowed it down to three crucial findings: create a common but improved journey, basing our design on this journey makes it easier for users to adapt to the platform and organise their tasks better; use frameworks users are familiar with; introduce small changes that can have significant effects.

The initial user research uncovered various areas of opportunity, such as content discovery based on genres, moods, or a combination of the same.

However, for the MVP, I kept in mind the business goals and organisational capacity and decided to focus upon some key areas, including simplifying user experience around user on-boarding, discovery and assets management, and thereby, meeting user and business goals including key engagement and user retention, with a strong focus on, discoverability for what they need to do starting with acquisition and ending with selling or adding to the portfolio.

Synthesis: Journey Mapping

Based upon data from in-person interviews, surveys and user reviews, I organised my observations and categorised them using a customer journey map. 

This helped me expose pain points and areas for improvement in the app along the entire user journey. It also helped spark discussions to help close knowledge gaps and acted as a catalyst for idea sharing and generation between team and stakeholders.

Furthermore, I identified various touch-points by intent and task including aspects such as emotions and expectations.

Setting the Structure

I refined the concept with research outcomes in-line with our business goals and went through a few rounds of iteration. I also came up with a revised and simplified information architecture that focused on content discovery.

We managed to provide a streamlined process that allows our customers to eliminate repetitive processes and save time. They receive clear notifications and certainty that all steps have been completed correctly and in the trade-settlement process.

In the absence of standardised procedures and data, with a lot of processes done manually, it is hard to have a good workflow. As the renewable energy certificates market grows and becomes more complex the solution comes in aid to automate the workflow. People involved in the process get notified when to take steps so that nothing gets forgotten. We normalised and optimised  data so that now we offer valuable and reliable data to our customers.

Also, the platform offers standard contract templates to avoid reinventing the wheel for every new trade or counterparty that make the trade agreements processed and signed faster.

Scalable Design System

Created a complete design system from scratch for this digital product, enabling us to scale the platform and add new features while maintaining a consistent look and feel.

Complete Control and Visibility


Seamless integration with registries APIs – to pull in data and display it where you can get an at-a-glance view of the portfolio, trades and predictions. This is all from one portal rather than multiple applications.

Normalised Data and Automated Consistency

Normalised Data and Automated Consistency

No matter the input source the data looks and reads the same

While the app integrates seamlessly with API-enabled registries, managing inventory from registries that don’t have an API is also possible.

Knowing that most registries don’t offer an API connection, we offered users the option of uploading inventory files from non-API-enabled registries while API registries sync automatically.

This allows the users to consolidate their data in one place in one standardised and normalised view.

So even if your registry doesn’t offer an API the benefits are at an upload distance. They download their inventory file from the registry and upload it to the platform. This allows users to view their inventory across registries easily.

Additionally, the platform guides the users to perform tasks at the registry.

Finally, the data sets collected from registries are unified into a single format, which users can easily use to manage their certificates.

Did you know that a single website visit takes up an average of 1.67 grams of CO²?

Design for Energy Efficiency.

Use simple colour palette and avoiding excessive use of animations or other visual elements that require high levels of processing power.

This web page is cleaner than 79% of web pages tested.

Only 0.20g of CO2 is produced every time someone visits my web page.

 © 2023 by Alexandru Botezatu